Using Tags as a Trigger Condition

September 26, 2024

In this feature, you can create or edit triggers based on specific tags. This enables automatic actions such as sending emails, text messages, or initiating action plans when certain tag conditions are met.

Creating a Tag-Based Trigger

  1. Trigger Conditions (IF Section)
    • The If condition defines when the trigger should fire.
    • In the example provided:
      • Custom Lead Form is the primary condition.
      • You can add additional conditions by clicking the + button or remove conditions using the button.
  2. Using Tags in the Trigger
    • In the Tags dropdown, you can select one or more tags to serve as conditions for the trigger.
    • You can define whether the tags should be IN or NOT IN a contact’s profile using the operator dropdown.
    • The tags in the dropdown list represent different types of tags that have been applied to contacts. In this example, tags like Backsplash, Carpet, and Google Local Service Ads can be selected.

Trigger Action (Then Section)

  • Then Initiate:
    • After the trigger conditions are met, you can choose one of the following actions to initiate:
      • AP (Action Plan): Automatically assign a contact to an action plan.
      • Text: Send a text message.
      • Email: Send an email to the contact.
    Select the desired action, then click Save to create or update the trigger.

Additional Options

  • You can add multiple conditions using the + button to create more complex logic.
  • If necessary, you can also remove conditions by clicking the button next to a condition.

This functionality allows you to automate workflows by setting triggers based on specific tags, streamlining how your team interacts with contacts based on their attributes.

Contact Reminder

August 8, 2024


A contact reminder is intended to call attention to a specific contact profile for the purposes of connecting with that contact on that particular date. Contact reminders can be created manually in the profile or within an action plan for a Client, Employee, Partner, or Vendor.


  • Contact Profile Contact Reminder
  • Action Plan Contact Reminder

Creating a Contact Reminder – Contact Profile

No matter the type of contact profile, the process is the same.
  1. After you’ve opened the profile, click on the Event tab.
  2. Select event type as “Contact Reminder”.
  3. Choose a future date to be reminded of this contact.
  4. Add notes to help you remember why you need to connect with that conact.
  5. Click “Save Action”.

Creating a Contact Reminder – Action Plan

No matter the type of Action Plan you are editing or creating, the process is the same.
  1. After you’ve opened the action plan you want to edit, click on “New Action”.
  2. Select event type as “Contact Reminder”.
  3. Choose “delay” and enter the amout of time after the action plan is set off for you the be reminded of this contact.
  4. Click “Save Action”.

Triggers with Conditions

January 13, 2024