
April 27, 2020

Announcements will come in periodically about updates or new features in ClientTether.

Also if you are an account owner you can create announcements to keep your team and sub-accounts up to date on new developments within your organization

View Announcements

To view announcements there are two options

Create Announcements

To create announcements you need to:

  1. Go to the Announcement tab in Settings
  2. Click next to add announcement
  3. Enter the title for the announcement
  4. Pick the date for the announcement
  5. Select who you want the announcement to go to
  6. Type up your announcement in the text editor
  7. Select Pending or Publish
    1. Pending will save the announcement as a draft when you save
      1. If you put it in pending you will still need to publish it
    2. Publish will push the announcement to the those you wanted to receive it
      1. Active displayed in Right-Side Bar
      2. Inactive available in history
  8. Click

Editing existing Announcements

  1. Click on
  2. Make Desired Changes

Stats for Announcements

  1. Click on
  2. Use check box if you wish to see which users have not received your announcement