Our API is designed to open up ClientTether and allow developers push and pull all sorts of data. The API allows developers to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) most (not all) items within ClientTether.  For example, if a feature was written as CRuD that would mean that “Update” is not available. CRUd would mean that “Delete” is not available. 

For a complete collection of our APIs, you can download the Postman collection from https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11799377/2sA3XSALuD This collection allows you to easily test and integrate our APIs with your applications.

Getting Started

Version 2.0 of our API is a REST compatible solution using the GET, POST, and DELETE methods. The following pages details the Parameters and Supported calls. If the request is not recognized by the system, the API server will respond with an HTTP error code. If the system is able to process the request, it will return an appropriate JSON response. 

For a more hands-on experience, you can download our API collection in Postman format from https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11799377/2sA3XSALuD This will help you test the endpoints directly in Postman.

Please note: To perform a Duplicate Check on create_client, please visit the Settings tab in the Account and toggle the button on to activate this setting . By default, this setting is disabled and as such, cloned and sub accounts will also hold this setting as disabled unless otherwise updated via the toggle in the Settings tab for that account.

The API call consists of four parts:

  1. Headers
  2. The URL
  3. The Supported Request
  4. The Parameters


There are two Header Keys required to access an Account's information via API:
1. X-Access-Token
2. X-Web-Key.
Your Enterprise Access Rights are built into the X-Access-Token and can be found on the API tab in Settings - at the Enterprise level only. The X-Access-Token is based on Username, Userlevel, whitelabel ID and Secret Value as part of the HASH. By design and for security, if the mentioned Account information is changed the X-Access-Token is updated automatically.

That Enterprise access token must be used in conjunction with an X-Web-Keys for each account and Sub Account access. Let's repeat that in other words. The X-Access-Token is required to gain access and the X-Web-Key identifies which account you want to accessing.

The X-Access-Token is only available on the API tab in Settings at the Enterprise Level.
THe X-Web-Key is available in each Account and by an API call for Subaccounts.

Please do not share these tokens with anyone outside of your organization and development teams.  See Image. Without these values being presented in the header of each call, it will fail at the server level and not even reach our API. Remember, these items are passed in the header of all requests.

Access Verification

The X-Access-Token and X-Web-Key are placed in the Header of each Request Call. As an example:



Note: We are not using an Authentication process but rather an Access Rights control that is managed on our API server. So place YOUR X tokens in the header of each request! This is the first mistake most developers make when starting with our API, they use our sample data above instead of their assigned X-Access-Token.

For a comprehensive guide and examples, you can download our Postman collection from https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11799377/2sA3XSALuD.

Building a GET Call

We have two formats for building a GET Call

URLSupported RequestSeparatorParameters
https://api.clienttether.com/v2/api/(updated URL as of 3/4/19)read_client_exist?phone=3039291447
https://api.clienttether.com/v2/api/(updated URL as of 6/28/19)read_client_by_id/1234 

Our first GET method: to build the API Call you will start with our API URL followed by a Supported Request. Next will be the “?” to separate the URL from the Parameter String. Finally you will send the list of parameters also known as a Query String (for GET method).

By way of example, if you wanted to know if a client exist with a specific phone number, then the full request would be “https://api.clienttether.com/v2/api/read_client_exist?phone=3039291447”

For the Second GET method in Yellow, as shown in the table above, To build the API Call to see the details of a client with the client_id = “1234”, the supported API Request is:  “https://api.clienttether.com/v2/api/read_client_by_id/1234”

Building a POST Call

Because we require access Headers the REST POST is different than a webform POST, you do not build the string in the exact same way. If you need help or hints with the structure, we recommend using a REST client like Google's ARC to test and build.
If all you desire to do is POST webform data to insert new leads, you might want to review POSTing to ClientTether 2020.

To make it easier, you can download our Postman collection from https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11799377/2sA3XSALuD This collection contains all the necessary endpoints and example requests for testing.

Request Parameters
Parameters are a list of Key:Value pairs sent in the BODY of the request.  The list of parameters you need to send will depend on the Supported Request you desire to initiate. 

Acceptable keys are listed in the Parameter tables below. 

Required Keys for a specific request are listed in the Supported Request tables.

For Example, if you want to create a Contact, you would (in addition to the Headers) place certain Key:Value pairs in the Body of the Request. See the ARC slide deck for a more complete example.

Parameter Tables
Below you will find a set of tables that define the Keys for the Key:Value pairs. It should be obvious that your processes will provide the Values.

Client Parameters

client_idMay be required in some API Calls
firstNameRequired for Create_Client String
lastNameRequired for Create_ClientString
phone10 digit phone number, This is assumed to be a Mobile phoneTen digits only. No formatting accepted
smsok1 if okay to text, 0 if not.  defaults to 1 if not provided[1, 0]
second_phoneSecondary PhoneTen digits only. No formatting accepted
email email address of the lead must be unique for each clientWell formatted email string
addressstreet addressString
stateUS states and CA Province2 letter abbreviation only
zip Postal codeUS and CA acceptable5 Digit Zip5-4 Digit Zip5-4-2 Digit Zip A1A 1A1, where A is a letter and 1 is a digit, with a space separating the third and fourth characters
compNameCompany NameString
tagComma separated list of tags. New tags will be created if needed
job_titleTitle for PersonString
external_idForeign Key Integration with CTInteger
third_party_name Alt option from external_ID use third_party_name and third_party_idString
third_party_id String
Whole Number
deal_closedIndicates if the deal (of Deal Size) is closed = sold.[1,0]
ageWe do not accept Birthdays!Whole Number
[M, F]
Whole Number
[Own, Rent]
Whole Number
Whole Number
Whole Number
[Single, Married, Divorced]
createdDate client entered in system as a new lead. Defaults to Today if not provided. If you provide this date we will set accordingly.YYYY-MM-DD
facebookThis is for a Facebook Profile ID. Mine would be: hall303 and we will generate the complete link:https://www.facebook.com/hall303String
linkedinThis field is for a LinkedIn profile.  Mine would be: itmanagementconsultingAnd we will generate the complete link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itmanagementconsulting/String
action_plan_id1- By Default. "action_plan_id = 0" when client is created. "0" means "No Action Plan Running". When action_plan_id is changed to something else, the new action plan will be initiated. To reset to "No Action Plan Running" send 0 in "action_plan_id" in update_client_by_id OR update_client_by_external_id. 2- If a Sales Cycle is tied to an Action Plan, then setting that Action Plan will also change the client to that Sales Cycle.String
sales_cycle_idSee action_plan_id descriptionString
lead_source_idIt is always best that you assign a lead_source_id value to a new lead.STRING ID
client_category*Maids specificString
whiteboardWrites to the whiteboard (will replace anything existing if updating a client)
append_whiteboardWill add what you send to the whiteboard. Must be used as an updateString
clients_date_lastEach Account Owner can use this field for whatever they choose. I.E. Last date of serviceYYYY-MM-DD
clients_date_nextEach Account Owner can use this field for whatever they choose. I.E. Next date of serviceYYYY-MM-DD
new_lead_notificationThis determines if the Account Owner will receive notice that they have a “New Lead”.  The standard notices will be sent: Email, Text and Software Notification. 0= No Notifications (default) 1= Software Notification 2= All Three Notifications: Email, Text and Software
NOTE: Developers are missing this setting
[0,1,2] String
contact_typeThe system has 5 types of contacts. They are Client, Employee, Partner, Vendor, Other. To Assign the the correct user type you must designate the appropriate number for user type.
1 = Client
2 = Employee
3 = Partner
4 = Vendor
5 = Other

If no number is provided the system will default to a 1 for Client.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assigned_user_idThis is a User’s ID that is assigned to manage the ContactString

Additional Parameters

These parameters are for queries only and are not a stored value. Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

end_dateEnd Date of a date sensitive Read.YYYY-MM-DD
limitLimits the number of records to be returned.  Default is 100, Max is 100number
offsetStarts the record selection beginning with an offset. If you already retrieved the first 100 clients in your list, then to get the next 100 you would have an offset of 100.number

Expansion Parameters

This table explains how ClientTether will be expanding acceptable parameters for Client Info. All parameters mentioned in Client Parameter Table as “reserved” parameter names.  The API will accept any non-reserved parameter name and its value as a simple String (striping all HTML). This concept makes the Client Table infinitely expandable and customizable.

Any non-reserved parameter name.There is a current Limit of 100 characters for this string length, until proven otherwise.String

Lead Source Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

lead_source_idThe System ID for a specific Lead SourceInt
lead_source_nameThe Name given to a specific Lead SourceString
lead_source_web_keyThe MD5 code assigned to a specific Lead SourceString

Action Plan Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

action_plan_idThe System ID for a specific Action PlanInt
action_plan_nameThe Name given to a specific Action PlanString
action_plan_typeIndicates which type of Action Plan this is.[Connection, Conversion, Retention]
action_plan_link_id1- Connection Plans can link to a Lead Source. Meaning, if a new lead is acquired and its lead source is set to this value, this Action Plan is also initiated. A Lead Source should Only be assigned to one Action Plan. 2- Conversion Plans can link to a Sales Cycle. Hence, if an Action Plan is initiated for a Client, that Client will be assigned the New Sales Cycle also.int
action_plan_link_nameIndicates the name of the link associated with a specific Action PlanString Read only
action_plan_next_plan_idIndicates the ID of the next plan associated with a specific Action Planint
action_plan_next_plan_nameIndicates the name of the next plan associated with a specific Action PlanString Read only

History Notes


client_idis from ClientTether and can be obtained via API or export.int
type[sms_in, sms_out, email_in, email_out, note] (anything else will be saved as ‘note’)
utc_datetimewill follow the format: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00Zfollow the UTC format
subjecttext string
body_contenttext string
user_namematched the first and last name from the User Settings120 characters

Sales Cycle Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

sales_cycle_idThe System ID for a specific Sales CycleInt
sales_cycle_nameThe Name given to a specific Sales CycleString
sales_cycle_active_statusDefine whether a specific Sales Cycle is an Active Path Sales Cycle or an Inactive Path Sales Cycle.[1,0]
sales_cycle_orderIndicates the order of this specific Sales CycleInt
sales_cycle_contact_typeNew 9/27/19 and indicates the contact type: 1=Client (default if blank), 2=Employee, 3=Partner, 4=Vendor, 5=Other Int

Event  Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

event_idThe System ID for a specific eventInt
event_typeThe Type of Event.[Call, Contact Reminder, Appointment]
event_dateIndicates the date of this event.YYYY-MM-DD
event_timeIndicates the time of this event.HH:MM:SS
event_noteA Note associated with the event.String
user_idThis is the id for the assigned user’s calendar on which you want to schedule the Event.int
event_manual_action_plan_idOptional: you can assign an Event Action Plans but only those that are set for Manual Schedule.Int
event_end_dateUnique for Next Appointment only, you need to provide an end dateYYYY-MM-DD
event_end_timeUnique for Next Appointment only, you need to provide an end timeHH:MM:SS
email_listAccepts a comma separated list of emails where the appointment invitation will be sent. IE: name1@domain.com,name2@domain.comstring Optional
template_idIf not provide there is a previously hardcode Title that is used with external calendars. You must provide a template_id to control this option.string - Optional

Email Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

email_subjectThe Subject of the email. RequiredString
email_dateIndicates the date of this email. When Creating a manual email, if date is omitted, Today will be assumed.YYYY-MM-DD
email_timeIndicates the time of this email. When Creating a manual email, if time is omitted, Now will be assumed.HH:MM:SS
email_bodyThe Body of the email. You will need to provide your own signature lines.  Opt out parameters will be appended.Plain Text String with hard returns.  No other formatting accepted HTML or otherwise. 
email_ccA comma separated list of email addresses to Carbon Copy with this email String
email_bccA comma separated list of email addresses to Blind Carbon Copy with this email. String
exclude_contactA flag to exclude the Contact on this email. 1=Exclude, 0 or blank will include the Contact.[1,0]

Text Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

text_dateIndicates the date of this text. When Creating a manual email, if date is omitted, Today will be assumed.YYYY-MM-DD
text_timeIndicates the time of this text. When Creating a manual email, if time is omitted, Now will be assumed.HH:MM:SS
text_bodyThe body of the TextString

Immediate Call Parameters

These parameters are for API calls only and are not a stored value. Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

agent_phoneThis should be a User in the Account but the system will call the User regardless10 Digits only
client_full_nameThe name you want to be announced to the agent when they answer the phone.Text
client_phoneThis should be the recently collected phone number of a contact that wants a call now10 Digits only
sayThe system will by default say: This is ClientTether connecting you to {{client_full_name}}. What you write will be stated after the above information. Text

Tag Parameters

This is a list of Tags assigned to the Account. Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.



User Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

user_idThe System ID for a specific userInt
user_typeThe User Type. Only in Create[Standard, Admin]
user_first_nameFirst Name for the UserString
user_last_nameLast Name for the UserString
user_phonePhone associated with the User in the SystemString
user_emailThe email assigned to the User.String
user_usernameThe login username for a UserString
user_show_calendarIndicates whether to show the calendar with other users when scheduling an event in the system. Defaults to No = 0.[1,0]
user_passwordSets the password for  the User. Only in Create String

Account Parameters

Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

account_idThe System ID for a specific accountInt
account_typeThe Account Type.[Standard, Multi-level]
account_first_nameFirst Name for the AccountString
account_last_nameLast Name for the AccountString
account_owner_nameFull name (First and Last Name) for the Account OwnerString
account_office_phonePhone associated with the Office Phone in the SystemString
account_phonePhone system will call ...String
account_emailThe email assigned to the User.String
account_usernameThe login username for a Account, CRuD Only.String
account_web_keycRud onlyString
account_ctphonecRud onlyString
10 digits only
10 digits only

Proposal Parameters

New 2020/01/15
This is only for Accounts that use our proprietary proposal system to generate bids for work to be performed for Contacts. Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls.

proposal_idProposal Unique Identifier as found in the system.Big Int, Transported as String
proposal_typeThis will be the name of the Proposal. Many accounts have more than one type of Proposal in the system.String
proposal_numAn account unique numberString
estimatorWhich User was assigned as the EstimatorString
production_managerWhich Users was assigned as the Production ManagerString
proposal_notesGeneral NotesString
work_notesMore Specific NotesString
final_priceThe Derived Final Price after all Line Items and DiscountsString
discountSum of all discountsString
job_start_dateProposed job start dateString
job_end_dateProposed job completion dateString
line_item_detailThis is an Array of items with: Description, Line Price and Notes
prepparation_proceeduresGeneral NotesString
painting_proceeduresGeneral NotesString
specific_notesMore specific NotesString
client_notesMore Specific NotesString
foreman_notesMore Specific NotesString
other_notesAdditional NotesString
recommended_productsThis is an Array with Product_type1 and Product Description

Proposal Payment Parameters

New 2020/01/15
Payments collected can be entered into the System for tracking of Royalty Payments. NOTE: at this time the System does not “Process” payments, It is just a recording of the facts. Some of these parameters may be required for certain API Calls. 

proposal_idForeign Key to match to the System Unique identifierString
proposal_numberAn Account specific proposal numberString
paydayThe date the Payment is intended to ApplyDate format: yyyy-mm-dd
amountAmount of payment being recordedFor like decimal: transported as string
typeHow the payment was made[Cash, Card, Check,Other]
statusDuring what status of the project was the payment made.[Deposit, Progress, Final] 
created_dateThe system date when payment was entered inDate format: yyyy-mm-dd

Supported API Calls

Supported API Calls tell us what you want us to do with the data you are sending to us. You will append a supported API call to the end of the standard URL every time. Use one of the supported Values in the tables below.

For a comprehensive guide and examples, you can download our Postman collection from https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11799377/2sA3XSALuD. This collection contains all the necessary endpoints and example requests for testing.

Create (CRUD)  into the System

Use this table of supported API Calls to create data in our system. When you create data in the system use the POST method, you will receive a JSON response with a code and a message formatted like: {“ResultCode”:“CT200”, “Message”:“Success”}. More details in Appendix: Return Strings

create_clientInserts a new client into the account represented by the x-web-key. You can provide as many Client Parameters as listed above. If Lead Source is provided then its attached Action Plan should be initiated unless an Action Plan is also provided, then it takes precedence.  create_client will insert the record as provided regardless of duplicate nature. If concerned with duplicates, you should use one of the read commands to see if a client already exists.Requires firstName, lastName
create_manual_emailPrepares for sending a manual email. Will be inserted in the History Notes as an Integration Assignment. If no date or time is supplied, the email will be sent immediately. Returns Success or FailRequires: client_id, email_subject, email_body
create_manual_textPrepares for sending a manual text. Will be inserted in the History Notes as an Integration Assignment. If no date or time is presented, the text will be sent immediately.  Returns Success or FailRequires: client_id, text_body
create_client_history_noteWill be inserted in the History Notes as an Integration Assigned action. Returns Success or FailRequires: client_id, note_body
create_client_eventAssigns an event to a client. Returns Success or Fail Requires: client_id,event_type, event_date, event_time, event_note, event_manual_action_plan_id and  user_id (for Appointment type)
create_tagCreates a tag in the Account’s list of tags. Returns Success or FailRequires: tag_value
create_lead_sourcePuts a new Lead Source into the Accounts system and generates a web_key.  See Read_Lead_Source_List Requires: lead_source_name
create_userPuts a new User into the an Account’s User list. See Read_User_ListRequires: all parameters except:user_id,
create_action_planInserts a new Action Plan into an Account’s Action Plan ListRequires: action_plan_name, action_plan_type
create_sales_cycleInserts a new Sales Cycle in an Account’s Sales Cycle ListRequires: sales_cycle_name, sales_cycle_active_status, sales_cycle_order
create_immed_call Provide all 4 pieces of data from the Immediate Call Parameters table. Requires:
agent_phone,  client_full_name, client_phone, say
create_history_notesInserts one or more History Notes in a JSON object called "notes". Example:
{ "notes": [ {
"client_id": "",
"type": "",
"utc_datetime": "",
"subject": "",
"body_content": "",
"users_name": "" },
{ "client_id": "",
"type": "",
"utc_datetime": "",
"subject": "",
"body_content": "",
"users_name": ""
} ]
Requires all six field keys. Some values may be "".

client_id is from ClientTether and can be obtained via API or export.
type [sms_in, sms_out, email_in, email_out, note] (anything else will be saved as ‘note’)
utc_datetime must follow the format: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00Z
subject text string
body content text string
user_name any string, will appear in reporting (max 120 characters then truncate) (blank data will put the Account Owner’s Name)

Read CRUD Data from ClientTether

Use this table of supported API Calls to read data from our system. When you read data from our system use the GET method and you will receive a JSON response formatted like:


  { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"... },

  { "firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"... },

  { "firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones" ...}


More details available in Appendix: Return Strings.

*BEFORE sending the call, create_client, your system should check if client already exists with one or more of these read  requests.ClientTetherID in prestaging.tbl_client
Response if client does not exist:   {“resultCode”:“CT515”, “Message”:“No Record Found”, “client_id": false, "external_id":"98745"}
Response If exist : {"ResultCode": "CT_200",
  "Message": "Success",
  "TotalRecord": 1,
  "data": [{
    "client_id": "8051632",
    "external_id": "16051989"
Requires: firstName or lastName or phone or email
read_client_listData dump of all parameters that are associated with the first 100 "Main" Clients.
This call has a focus on "all" main contacts and accepts an optional parameter: active_flag [0,1,2]
If no active_flag is sent the the response will send both Active and Archived contacts.
If the flag is sent:
0 = Archived Contacts only
1 = Active Contacts only
2 = Both Active and Archived Contacts
Accepts limit and offset ie. limit=50&offset=10(This will return 50 clients from offset 10)  Max on limit is 100.
from_date (created date)
to_date (created date)
read_client_by_idData dump with all parameters that are associated with Client of the provided client_id.Requires: client_id
read_client_by_external_idData dump with all parameters that are associated with Client of the provided external_id.Requires: external_id
read_custom_field_by_contactProvides a list with all custom fields with their values tied to the contact. Requires: client_id
Requires: client_id
Requires: action_plan_id
read_action_plan_listIncludes action_plan_id in the returned data
Accepts: action_plan_name treat as “ like ‘string%’ “


read_user_by_idRead a single User Record
where 123456 = known User ID
Requires: User ID
read_user_listReads the whole User list for the account.
read_appts_by_user_idThis will return a JSON list of appointments for 7 days from today’s date.
read_tags_listThe tags assigned to a specific account.
read_account_listThe Web_Key authorization you provide must be a Multi-Level Account or an Enterprise Account
read_opportunity_listOpportunities are akin to clients. This call returns a list of "all" opportunities matching the full query, including proposal data in each record returned IF proposals are attached.
Each parameter adds an "AND" to the Query.
Date formats are YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (explicit time is required)
From Date use the >=
passing both from and to dates the query will use "between and including"

stateFromDate is used in combination with State to query the date that the Contact reached a specific State.

Use read_contacts for just Main Contacts
limit [max 100]
contact_type [1,2,3,4,5 -default all]
client_id [of main opportunity and will retrieve the rest]
state [appt, quote, closed, completed]
cycle_id [sales cycle id]
from_date (created date)
to_date (created date)

Returns a list of pending action for a given Contact.
Requires: client_id or external_id
read_proposalsReads the proposals for a specific Client/Opportunity. For more details click here.Requires: client_id
read_proposal_paymentsReads the payments created for a specific client from created date provided
created_date will send all payments since that date. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"
Requires: client_id and created_date
read_all_paymentsReads all payments collected by a specific Account.
created_date will send all payments since that date
allows created_date "YYYY-MM-DD"
read_sales_cycle_any_activityReturns activity for same chart on dashboard between specified datesStart Date "YYYY-MM-DD"
End Date "YYYY-MM-DD"
read_all_eventsReturns events for all clients in a specific account (100 at a time) and includes user details in each event object. By default, it returns records from today's date with an option to set a custom date using the "from_date" parameter. Additionally, you can set the "offset" parameter to paginate the results, with a default of returning 100 records per API call.optional:
from_date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" Time is required if providing date.
offset: default 0
read_all_client_eventsReturns all events scheduled for a specific Contact. Remember that opportunity_id is the same as a client_id.requires: client_id or external_id
from_date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" Time is required if providing date.
offset: default 0

Update CRUD Data in Client Tether

Use this table of supported API Calls to update data in the system. When you update data in the system use a POST method and you will receive a JSON response with a code and a message formatted like:

{“resultCode”:“CT200”, “Message”:“Success”}. More details in Appendix: Return Strings.

update_client_by_idUpdates the Clients with the parameters provided. If Action Plan is updated, pending actions will be removed.Returns the single client values in all fields.Requires client_id
update_client_by_external_idUpdates the Client with the parameters provided. Only the field parameters provided will be updated. Returns the client values of all fields.If Action Plan is updated, pending actions will be removed. 
Requires external_id
update_client_eventUpdates a specific event Requires: event_id
optional: event_type, event_date, event_time, event_end_date, event_end_time, event_note, user_id, event_manual_action_plan_id, email_list template_id
update_action_plan_by_idUpdates the Action Plan with the parameters provided. Returns the single Action Plan values in all fields.Requires:action_plan_id
update_lead_source_by_idUpdates the Lead Source Name with the parameter provided. Returns the single Lead Source parameters.Requires:lead_source_idlead_source_name
update_sales_cycle_by_idUpdates the Sales Cycle with the parameters provided. Returns the single Sales Cycle ParametersRequires:sales_cycle_id
update_user_by_idUpdates the User with the parameters provided. Returns the single User with all parameters.Requires:user_id
update_account_by_idUpdates the Account with the parameters provided. Returns the single Account’s parameters.Requires:account_id

Delete CRUD Data in Client Tether

Use this table of supported API Calls to delete data in the system. When you delete data in the system use a DELETE method and you will receive a JSON response with a code and a message formatted like: {“resultCode”:“CT200”, “Message”:“Success”}. More details in Appendix: Return Strings.

delete_client_by_idDeletes a single Client.Requires client_id
delete_client_by_external_idDeletes the Clients with the parameter provided.Requires external_id
delete_lead_source_by_idDeletes the Lead Source.Requires: lead_source_id
delete_sales_cycle_by_idDeletes the Sales Cycle.Requires: sales_cycle_id
delete_user_by_idDeletes the User.Requires: user_id
delete_account_by_idDeletes the Account with the parameters provided.Requires: account_id
delete_client_eventDeletes an Event Requires: event_id

Response Strings

CRUD Request and Error Responses

When you Create, Update, or Delete data in our system, you will receive a JSON formatted response using the following table.

{“ResultCode”:“CT200”, “Message”:“Success”...}

CT400Bad Request
CT404Request Not Found
CT500Unknown Error
CT501Missing Required Key:Value Pair(s)
CT510CTSCODE does not match
CT512Can not delete as requested. Parameter is still in use.
CT515No Record Found
CT520Duplicate Entry
CT525Insert Failed
{{Key}}Value outside defined limits. CT will throw an error code on the first value that does not conform to validation rules, resulting in a single message being returned. {resultCode: ‘“KeyName”, Message: “Validation Issue”}

The Response will be augmented with additional data from time to time. For example, if you create_client, the system will also include a record count and return the client_id and external_id for your consumption or validation.


Other responses may be developed similar to the HTTP responses listed in this doc.

CRUD Read Calls Responses

When you read data from our system, you will receive a JSON formatted Array like so:


  { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"... },

  { "firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"... },

  { "firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones" ...}


The JSON object name will reflect the type of data you requested as follows:

Client Reads 

will include all Client Parameters


  { "firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"... },

  { "firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"... },

  { "firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones" ...}


Action Plan Reads

 will have a two level JSON Array with all available data 


  { “action_plan_id”:”123456”,”action_plan_name”:”The Name of Plan”,”action_plan_type”:”Connection”,”action_plan_link_id”:”123456”,”action_plan_link_name”:”Name of Link”,”action_plan_next_plan_id”:”123456”,”Action Steps”:[

   { "Order":"1", "Type":"email","Date":"1", "Time":"00:00:00","Subject":"MyFirstEmail", "Body":"La te da and doe ray me"},

   { "Order":"2", "Type":"email","Date":"1", "Time":"00:00:00","Subject":"MySecondEmail", "Body":"La te da and doe ray me"},...


 }, ...



Lead Source Reads 

will include all Lead Sources and associated Parameters


  { "lead_source_id":"123", "lead_source_name":"Craftjack", "lead_source_web_key":"CT-123" },

  { "lead_source_id":"234", "lead_source_name":"HomeAdvisor", "lead_source_web_key":"CT-234" },...


Sales Cycle Reads 

will include all Sales Cycle and associated Parameters


  { "sales_cycle_id":"123", "sales_cycle_name":"Apt Scheduled", "sales_cycle_active_status":"1", "sales_cycle_order":"1" },

  { "sales_cycle_id":"234", "sales_cycle_name":"Pending", "sales_cycle_active_status":"1", "sales_cycle_order":"2" },

{ "sales_cycle_id":"345", "sales_cycle_name":"Dead", "sales_cycle_active_status":"0", "sales_cycle_order":"1" },...


User Reads 

will include all Users and associated Parameters except password


  { "user_id":"123",”user_type”:’’standard”, "user_first_name":"Kent", "user_last_name":"Hall", "user_phone":"1234567890", "user_email":"Kent@clienttether.com", "user_name":"KentH123", "user_show_calendar":"0" },...


Tag Reads 

will include all the Tags associated with that one account.


  { "tag_value":"123" },

  { "tag_value":"Hot Lead" },

  { "tag_value":"LV Show" },...


Account  Reads 

may have a two level JSON Array with all available data 


  { “account_id”:”123456”,”account_name”:”The Name of Plan”,”action_plan_type”:”Connection”,”action_plan_link_id”:”123456”,”action_plan_link_name”:”Name of Link”,”action_plan_next_plan_id”:”123456”,”SubAccounts”:[

   { "Order":"1", "Type":"email","Date":"1", "Time":"00:00:00","Subject":"MyFirstEmail", "Body":"La te da and doe ray me"},

   { "Order":"2", "Type":"email","Date":"1", "Time":"00:00:00","Subject":"MySecondEmail", "Body":"La te da and doe ray me"},...


 }, ...



Read Proposal and Read Payments

 See this additional Document