Release Notes Jan 2024

January 4, 2024
  1. Bulk Change to a Sales Cycle now updates Milestones
  2. Action Plan Step – Change Contact Type
    1. also requires Sales Cycle Setting
    2. can’t be blank
  3. Contact Profile – Quarantine Email now shows a reason
  4. Duplicate lead Accepted now launches Action Plan
  5. Duplicate leads created from simple lead form has been stopped
  6. Improvements to Username or Password Reset
  7. SMTP Settings UX improvement
  8. Searchable list of Accounts (in more places)
  9. Searchable list of attachments
  10. Contact List Search improvements
  11. Calendars – 2 way sync with new External Calendar Sync
  12. Franchise Estimate Count Report
    1. Emailed properly
    2. Links to raw data
  13. User Settings
    1. password changed immediately effects access
    2. archived user immediately effects access
    3. Archived User removed from New Lead Email
  14. Lead Routing – Duplicate Check for Multi-level Accounts to Subaccounts by Round Robin
  15. Notifications –
    1. Archive search to include contact name
    2. View Assigned User in right side panel
  16. Proposal
    1. Bid Type Multiplier
    2. Clear Signature now generates a History Note
    3. Show more of the Field Header for longer fields
    4. Block Editor – Cover Page, About Me, Terms and Conditions – Limited Release
  17. Thumbtack Integration to accept Appointments
  18. Templates for Notes / Log-a-Call
  19. Contact Profile
    1. Quarantine Email – now shows a reason
    2. Opportunity Count shows above the field

Hosted Pages: New Meeting Scheduler

March 30, 2023

The New Meeting Scheduler replaces the previously released Online Scheduler, which will be removed once we get all Users converted.

There are three main steps to using Hosted Pages.
– Set-up the Hosted Page: New Meeting Scheduler
– Assign the Hosted Page Token to a Template
– Send the message to a Contact

In the video above, step 1 and 3 are described. Step 2 is covered in a video regarding Templates.

Simplify Your Scheduling Process with New Meeting Scheduler

We are excited to announce the latest addition to our platform that will simplify your scheduling needs. With the New Meeting Scheduler in ClientTether, managing your schedule and appointments is easier than ever before. Here are the advantages that come with our New Meeting Scheduler:

Effortless Booking Experience: With our New Meeting Scheduler, your clients can quickly and easily book appointments without the need for back-and-forth emails or phone calls. The form prefills with contact information, which reduces data entry and provides a more professional experience.

One Scheduler form for New Leads and Existing Contacts: Our New Meeting Scheduler can be used for both new leads and existing contacts, which makes it convenient to manage all of your appointments in one place.

Access to Event and Action Plans: The New Meeting Scheduler gives you direct access to Event and Action Plans, so you can communicate with your clients more effectively.

Customizable Scheduling Page: You can customize your scheduling page to reflect your brand and business. It uses your ClientTether header settings, allows you to change the icon colors, and personalize the messaging. This makes the scheduling process more professional and consistent with your brand.

Automated Reminders: New Meeting Scheduler attaches Event Plans and Action Plans to send automated reminders to your clients regarding their appointment. This reduces the likelihood of missed appointments and saves you time and effort. With Event and Action Plan, you can set reminders to be sent a day, hour, or even minutes before the appointment.

Calendar Integration: The New Meeting Scheduler checks with your ClientTether Calendar, which in turn can sync with Google and Outlook Calendars. This means that when a client books an appointment with you, it will automatically appear on your calendar on whatever device you use. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of double-bookings.

Real-Time Availability: Your clients can see your real-time availability when booking an appointment. This means that they can choose a time that works for them without the need for back-and-forth communication.

With the New Meeting Scheduler in ClientTether, you can save time, reduce confusion, and provide your clients with a seamless booking experience. Plus, with our customizable scheduling page, you can ensure that your brand is consistent throughout the entire customer journey.

In conclusion, our New Meeting Scheduler feature is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their scheduling process. Try our scheduling feature today and see the difference it can make for your business.

Increase Email Open Rates with Video Content – Here’s How to Include Videos.

February 22, 2023

Adding videos to emails can bring numerous benefits to your email Templates and Action Plans. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Increased engagement: Videos are a highly engaging form of content that can capture people’s attention and keep them interested for longer. When you include a video in your email, you provide your audience with an immersive experience that can help you stand out from the competition.
  2. Improved click-through rates: According to research by HubSpot, adding a video to your email can increase click-through rates by up to 300%. This is because videos are more compelling than static images or text, and they can encourage people to take action.
  3. Higher conversion rates: When people are engaged with your content, they are more likely to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to your newsletter. According to Campaign Monitor, including a video in your email can increase conversion rates by up to 80%.
  4. Better retention: Videos can help you keep your audience’s attention for longer, which can be particularly useful if you are trying to explain complex concepts or showcase your products or services. By providing an engaging and informative video, you can improve the chances that your audience will remember your message and take action.
  5. Improved open rates: According to research by HubSpot, adding the word “video” to your email subject line can increase open rates by 19%. This is because people are curious about video content and are more likely to open emails that promise a video experience.

In summary, adding videos to your emails can be a powerful way to increase engagement, improve click-through rates and conversion rates, better retain your audience’s attention, and boost your open rates. With the right approach, videos can help you create a more compelling and effective email marketing campaign.

Building Tokens in URLs

February 20, 2023

The expansion of Tokens has lead to an increase of Users asking about how to build Tokens into custom links or URLs inside of ClientTether. We hope the above video will help your understand this feature.

The first step is understanding what data the URL will accept in the form of Key:Value pairs. In our example the Survey Monkey form will accept three Key:Value pairs:
n:Name, dept:Department (or Company in our case) and t:Title

Next you need to know what tokens in ClientTether are going to provide you with the values you desire. In this example it is {{client.firstName}}, {{client.compName}} and {{client.job_title}}.

Then it is just a matter of putting them together to form the URL.