Enterprise Settings

November 6, 2020

Enterprise Settings is available to the Enterprise Account Owner and Admins.

This portion of the account settings options allows the Enterprise Account Owner to maintain brand consistency, sale cycle, lead source, proposal template, and contact deletion consistency across all sub accounts. Our Franchisor and Dealer clients use this setting frequently to ensure data integrity across their national brands.

Remember that locking the lead source at an enterprise level will restrict franchisees or other sub accounts from adding their own lead sources to their accounts. This can restrict some flexibility at the local level that you may need to allow.

If you will be using ClientTether to track your Royalty reports, please note that you can adjust Royalty rates and Marketing Fees in this area of the account settings.

A Special Note on Sales Cycle

If you lock a sales cycle it will only lock the sales cycle for the Accounts directly under you.

It will not lock the sales cycle for accounts that are sub accounts for other accounts in your system.

It will not lock the sales cycle for other accounts that are the same level as you.

Accessing Settings

  1. Login to your account and navigate to the settings menu.
  2. Select Enterprise from the settings menu on the left-hand side.

Enterprise Sub-Account Settings

The Enterprise Sub-Account Settings section allows administrators to lock specific features and set permissions for sub-accounts.

Lock Features

Check the boxes next to the features you want to lock, preventing users from making changes to these items:

  • Logo
  • Tags
  • Log Code
  • Sales Cycle
  • Custom Field
  • Action Plan
  • Delete Clients
  • Lead Sources

Note: Checking these boxes will enforce the use of enterprise presets for all.

Subaccounts Creation

Enable or disable the ability for subaccounts to create their own settings for the following:

  • Action Plans
  • Log Code
  • Lead Sources

Reset Password Days

Set the number of days after which users will be required to reset their passwords. Max setting is 180 days.

Contact Export Permissions

Control the ability to export contact lists based on user levels:

  • Admin User
  • Standard User
  • Salesperson User

Steps to Adjust Permissions:

  1. Locate the Contact Export Permissions section.
  2. Use the toggle switches to enable or disable the export permission for each user level.