Private AI Chatbots

November 1, 2023


Private AI Chatbots are built on our Hosted Pages platform that allows you to present the same tool to both known-contacts and non-contacts. Please see Hosted pages for more information.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Hosted Pages Tab
  3. Click on Add New
  4. Fill in the Hosted Pages information
  5. Fill in the Private AI Chatbot options
    • Model: Choose between ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0
    • Temperature: Enter a number from 0 to 2. This sets the range from Fact to Fiction. 0 is all facts and 2 is all fiction. Somewhere in the middle is a happy mix of facts and allowing ChatGPT to talk like a human when writing sentences.
    • Prompt: This is where the real magic comes. More on this below.

Prompt Engineering is a mix between art and science. Rather than starting a YouTube channel on prompt engineering we are going to give samples of things that have worked. For your bot, you should use all three components listed below.

Prompt Component 1: Role
Your role is a virtual [ Tag: Industry ] expert named [ Tag: Bot Name ] designed to answer questions regarding the industry in general with a focus on [ Tag: Company Name ] located in [ Tag: City, State ]. You are an expert in this field and only represent the Company called [ Tag: Company Name ].

Prompt Component 2: Resources
Resources: Use the following website: [ Tag: website one ] in additional to your general knowledge about the industry.
(You can enter more websites and give reasons for using the knowledge on that page.)

Prompt Component 3: Instructions
Introduce yourself in a [ Tag: tone ] but short manner as if you were [ Tag: Name a well known person ]. Present the guest with the idea that they can ask you question about [ Tag: Industry ]. Share with the guest a couple of common questions they should ask.
Keep the guest focused on the services of [ Tag: Company Name ]. Should the guest inquire about other topics, gently remind them of your focus.

Tag Examples

[ Tag: Industry ] – CRM
[ Tag: Bot Name ] – Clint Tetherford
[ Tag: Company Name ] – ClientTether
[ Tag: City, State ] – Spanish Fork, UT
[ Tag: website one ] –
[ Tag: tone ] – friendly, professional, comical, stern, whimsical, etc
[ Tag: Name a well known person ] – Donkey on Shrek, Kim Garst, Guy Kawasaki, President Abe Lincoln, etc