Posts by admin:

Parse into Custom Fields

Posted on: 16 Sep 2022

Contact Records have a distinct list of fields. The system allows you to expand that list with Custom Fields. Custom fields consist of a Type, Label and Value. For parsing, content into a Custom Field use the Parser Term: Custom Field. Custom Field This term allows you to collect info into Contact Custom Fields. Using […]

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Email Open Rate

Posted on: 13 Sep 2022

The Chart An Email Open Rate Chart needs to show 4 things: a Date, Number Sent, Number Opened and the Percentage Opened. We have built all this in one chart. Study the image above.The dates are shown across the bottom. These dates are sensitive to the date range you set on the Dashboard.The number sent […]

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Historical Minutes and Text Usage per Month

Posted on: 13 Sep 2022

Historical Minutes and Text usage charts are available. You can ask for 1-12 months history and the system will show you the Chronological usage rates. Notes this does NOT synchronize with your billing cycle but it will show you a trend. The actual number of months available are based on your start date or the […]

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Capture External Emails in ClientTether

Posted on: 13 Sep 2022

There are two sides of capturing external emails inside of ClientTether. Inside of the SMTP Settings tab you will find a system generated BCC email. This is your key to capturing external emails inside of ClientTether. Capture Outgoing Emails The first use case is when you are sending an email to a contact from your […]

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July 18, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

Information Dots: Information Dots () are currently being added throughout the UI to provide additional details on features, settings, and options within the account. To review that information, click on the Info dot icon wherever found within the system. Dashboard Updates: Additional date range options have been added to select reports displayed on the Dashboard […]

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June 10, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

UI updates for Responsive Mobile Views: the Account and Action Plan Page have been updated to be more responsive to viewing on a mobile device. Chart Updates: Two charts were updated with additional formatting options: Salesperson Statistics and Sales Cycle Progression chart. Each chart now has three options. Depending on which chart format you prefer, […]

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May 5, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

Proposal System Update: The Proposal System has been updated to include the auto-save feature throughout. This change is now in effect whenever changes are made on any screen within the Proposal System.  Additionally, when changes are made to any screen  within the Proposal System, calculations are also updated and auto-saved.  Proposal System Update: The Proposal […]

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April 28, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

Updates to Existing Features/Settings: Integrations Update: QBO Integration update brings the Product matching selection inside of the system instead of being in the Bridge. We also allow custom field mapping from inside our system as an option. This is more scalable and editable. Tokens Feature Update: New Tokens have been added to assist in sending […]

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April 21, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

New Features/Settings: Salesperson User Type A new User Type has been added within all accounts: Salesperson This new User type has settings and access limitations as follows: User type “Salesperson” can view and access only Contacts as assigned to them within the Contacts List and Pipeline.  User type “Salesperson” cannot edit Action Plans.  User type […]

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April 7, 2022

Posted on: 07 Sep 2022

New Features/Settings: Customize Contact Name To customize the name of the Contact Types (Employee, Partner, Vendor and Other) within the account, visit the Contact Type tab in Settings. From the Contact Type tab, click on the Contact Type name you wish to edit and update the name accordingly. Click enter and the update is autosaved. […]

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