2021 Releases
June 24, 2021Quick Links
- October 28, 2021
- October 7, 2021
- September 30 2021
- September 23 2021
- September 16 2021
- September 2 2021
- August 26 2021
- August 19 2021
- August 5 2021
- July 22 2021
- July 15 2021
- July 8 2021
- July 1 2021
- June 24 2021
Thursday October 28, 2021
- Settings->Tags
- When viewing the Clients with Tag the clients names are now hyperlinked. If you click it will open their contact profile.
- System users are now archived when they are deleted so that reporting remains accurate
- Archived users cannot login to the system.
- They also cannot be restored
- Common Custom Fields
- Can now be locked at the enterprise level
- New account tab in Custom fields in Settings allows you to create custom fields for Just the local account.
- Cannot be shared
- Will have own token available under Accounts soon.
- New data type options for custom fields
- Text
- Textarea
- Phone
- Date
- Boolean
- Checkboxes
- Radio
- Number
- Number with Range
- Number with Decimal
- Contact List
- You can now add Common Custom Fields as column headers in the Contact list
- Any field, other than a Common Custom field is now sortable
- AnnAck
- Now able to schedule when Announcements go live and are to be taken down.
Thursday October 7, 2021
- Tags
- If you release or reassign a contact to a different account they have a tag that does not exist in that account the tag will be outlined in red and you have the option of removing it from the contact or adding it to the account.
- Home Advisor has been updated to Angi Leads throughout the system.
- Addons
- Settings Tab
- Please note the unique endpoint URL that still says home-advisor is fine and does not need to be updated.
For clarification, as part of last week’s ability to lock action plans for multilevel accounts.
If you are using that setting the multilevel account will have a new toggle for your action plans. It can be set to draft or ready.
Draft = not shared with your sub accounts.
Ready = shared with your sub accounts.
Thursday September 30, 2021
- History Notes
- Now have a history note that is created when changes are made to existing appointments.
- SMS Okay Capability
- If someone unsubscribes from your text messages you will not be allowed to turn sms okay back on until the contact texts “Start” into the system.
- Enterprise settings
- Can now lock Action plan
- This will automatically push all action plans down to your sub accounts.
- If you do not click “Subaccounts can create their own.” Then the subaccounts will not have access to any action plans they have currently created and cannot create any new action plans.
- If you do click “Subaccounts can create their own.” Subaccount will keep current action plans in there account and will be able to create new ones.
- We recommend that multilevel accounts convert to this new system, because a common Action Plan ID can be used for API calls. Before doing so though contact your CSM for more details.
- Can now lock Action plan
Thursday September 23, 2021
- Event Invite
- Now shows account email for Account sending invite
- Now pulls logo from Account sending the invite
- If no logo then the logo space will be blank
- Invited by now shows the Account name the invite is coming from
- Proposal V2
- Progress Payment % now is just calculated from the grand total of the work sheet.
- Export
- Created date is now showing in a Date format recognized in Excel.
Thursday September 16, 2021
- Contact Page List
- You can now use Account wide custom fields as column headers on the contact list page.
- Proposal V2 updates
- You can use a toggle in the Settings->Bid Types-> line Items above the description box to opt to allow the description to be editable in the actual proposal.
- All fields, except summation types, for line items have a checkbox above them in the proposal. checking that box will allow that detail to be on the quote and work order.
- There is now Icon to the right of the notes box in the proposal that will allow you to select which pre-notes you wish to include.
- We now have a discount box that can be either a percentage or a dollar figure.
- We now support HEIC image types in the proposal system.
- Tokens
- We now have a token type that incorporates any external IDs that are stored in our system via integrations.
Thursday September 2, 2021
- Updates made to API calls to include contact’s tags
- read_client_list
- read_client_by_id
- New action type in Action Plans Remove Seasonal/Event Actions
- This will clear out all actions that are tied to a seasonal or Event Action Plan for the contact.
- Event Plans based on anniversary date now work with Month and Day so you do not have to update the year every year.
Thursday August 26 2021
- Event invites not have account’s logo and name displayed
- Cloning process now clones Files in Settings
- Cloning process now clones attachments in Templates
- Group Email now requires validation for sending if the subject line is empty
- Lead Routing
- Notifications now created when contacts moved to different account because of Lead Routing
- History note created to document lead route move of contact between accounts
- Contacts moved to new accounts via lead routing are duplicate checked in the account they are moved to
- Round Robin Option Update
- IF To Who is set to User
- Checklist created of all account users, including Account Owner, so you can select who is involved in Lead Routing Round Robin
- IF To Who is set to Account
- Checklist created of all accounts, including the parent account creating the lead routing, so you can select which accounts are included
- Note toggle to include current account removed because that account is included in the checklist.
- Checklist created of all accounts, including the parent account creating the lead routing, so you can select which accounts are included
- IF To Who is set to User
- Hosted Page – Online Scheduler
- The online scheduler now availability based on appointments set in ClientTether.
Thursday August 19 2021
- V2 Proposal Invoice Updates
- On the worksheet tab:
- Two new fields
- Deposit
- Progress
- For Deposit
- % – Tells System to calculate on Percentage of Grand total
- NOT Total Remaining
- $ – Hard Coded Number you provide
- % – Tells System to calculate on Percentage of Grand total
- For Progress
- % – Worksheet Total – calculated Deposit – payment(s) +/- Change Orders ) * % Progress field.
- $ – Hard coded Number you provide
- Two new fields
- Invoice Tab
- You can use the
next to Invoice to open a drop menu with the following options
- Invoice Type
- Deposit
- Progress
- Final
- Watermark Display
- Watermark
- No Watermark
- Invoice Type
- You can use these options to keep your invoice up to date and adjust the look of the invoice.
- Please remember the link you send to clients links to a living document, meaning it will show whatever you have the current invoice tab set to.
- Don’t change the invoice type unless contact has seen and paid on the last invoice.
- If you want a stagnant document you can open the link provided in your template email and create a pdf and send that instead.
- You can use the
- On the worksheet tab:
- Contact list display
- This is now set to save the last setting used in the account (not by user) for the display of the contact list and use it next. The options are to the right of the search bar
- Main Contacts
- Active Opportunities
- All Opportunities
- This is now set to save the last setting used in the account (not by user) for the display of the contact list and use it next. The options are to the right of the search bar
- Export now allows you to select exactly what fields you want to export
- Allows you to select if you want to export history notes
- Options none
- Only Note Type
- All Types
- You can select custom fields
- Will export ALL custom fields for contacts in their own separate columns
- Allows you to select if you want to export history notes
- Export selection will be all contacts selected by your current search or filter, unless you use check marks. If you check mark the specific contacts those will be the only ones to export.
- Export sheets can now be used for updates and imports
- Expect to see documentation coming very soon going over which fields can be used to update and which field can be used in import.
Thursday August 5 2021
- Opportunity Templates are now organized by contact type
- Common Custom Fields can be created for specific contact types within an account
- Lead Routing – Round Robin for accounts – now has option to include parent account
This video goes over how to print a pdf of items in V2 proposals using the browser features.
We have updated Proposal V2 that by using this browser feature it prints correctly and nicely onto standard 8.5in X 11in paper.
Thursday July 22 2021
- Bug fix – Linked In field in contact profile now save value
- Proposal-> Worksheets -> Room Measurements UI has updated so that it linear and easier to edit for each line item.
- We have added verbiage to the Find Phone Number page for new account set up to clarify the number being picked is permanent
- If an opportunity has an active V2. proposal attached to it then deal size field will not be able to be manually manipulated.
Thursday July 15 2021
- New advanced filter option for the contact list
- “No lead source selected”
- Will show any contacts with lead sources unknown or blank in your list
- “No lead source selected”
- A new contact/opportunity must be saved before a proposal can be created for it
- We can now delete certain items from the proposal settings and they will be available in an archive tab – Archive Tab only shows up once something has been deleted
- Bid Types
- Can be archived but not permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Categories
- Can be archived but not permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Line Items
- Can be archived but not permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Quote Type
- Can be permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Pre-Notes
- Can be permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Sub’s
- Can be permanently deleted
- Can be restored
- Bid Types
- In Proposal Settings’ Tax/Display tab We now have options to
- Show line items on Invoice
- Default setting is unchecked
- Show Line Item $ on Quote
- Default setting is unchecked
- Show line items on Invoice
- In a proposal if you update the room calculations they now auto update on the worksheet.
- Proposal Constants
- List now displays in alphabetical order
- Be used as valued in default value fields for line items (Proposal Settings)
- Can be edited in a proposal and only affect that proposal
- Can be edited in settings and it will not affect existing proposals
Thursday July 8 2021
- Daily Emails Should deliver at 5 am for the time zone which is selected in the accounts operation settings.
- Contact Reminders will update at 5 am each day in the account
- Green dots appear
- Green dots turn to yellow dots
- If your SMTP setting is for a Google account and your password was updated, but you have not updated your SMTP settings within ClientTether the following will occur:
- SMTP will be turned off
- Error message will display
- Error notification will display asking you to reconnect your SMTP.
Thursday July 1 2021
Updates to Settings->User ->user edit capabilities
- update username
- select if user is to receive daily emails
Changes to Settings-> Proposal
- New layout in tabbed format to make navigation easier
- Template tab
- Duplicate
- Share templates with other accounts in your organization
- Delete templates
- Proposal Default Tab
- IF version 1 of proposal system is active in your account this will show
- Allows you to edit default values
- If this is showing and it is blank or you no longer use V1 please reach out to your CSM and they will coordinate having it removed for you.
- IF version 1 of proposal system is active in your account this will show
Changes to Settings->Account
- Any selection to the Accounts Display setting is global for that individual account. Meaning it will be the same for all users
- The selection of Account Admin will switch the two columns on the Account Page of Account Admin and Company Name
- Selection of the Notifications option will make it so users will only see the accounts they have set to see roll up notifications for.
Thursday June 24 2021
- Change User Levels from Admin to Standard and vise versa
- User setting for daily email is now controlled in the user tab in settings.
- Account Owner still controlled in Action Plans
- Now able to save Contact list filters
- Can choose how to order accounts
- Account Name
- Admin User
- Notification roll up selections
- Account Deactivate puts count in 10 day waiting period and then it is deleted. You cannot access the account while it is deactivated.
- You can reactivate the account anytime in this 10 day window and have all of the settings and contacts restored
- Once the 10 day count down is finished the account is permanently deleted from the system.
- Default Date range selection for dashboard has been changed from the last year to the last month.
- New tab in settings called “Charts” allows you to edit that for your specific account
- Proposal Line items drop-down type
- can pick display and value by typing display|Value
- can now have designated default by adding * to item you wish to be default.
- display|Value*
- Reset Password from login page has been fixed.