Posts by sarareece:

Account Settings

Posted on: 08 Jan 2021

Overview If your ClientTether account has been enabled as a Multi-Unit account, you will be able to add sub-accounts beneath your Enterprise Account. If not, you will not see the Account tab in the Settings menu within your account. The Account tab in the Settings menu allows you to Login as a Sub-Account’s Account Owner […]

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Self-Pay Sub Account Feature

Posted on: 31 Dec 2020

Overview The Self-Pay sub account feature is only available for new sub accounts. You cannot use this feature with existing accounts. In order to use this feature your account must be enabled as a multi-level accounts, which allows you to create sub accounts. This feature allows your sub accounts to directly pay ClientTether, so you […]

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Lead Sources Settings

Posted on: 31 Dec 2020

Overview Lead Sources allow you to easily and automatically track lead attribution and lead source performance. Lead source settings allow you to see: All of your Lead Sources Individual web keys for Posting Individual IDs for API requests. To create a new Lead source: Click next to “Lead Source”. Type in the desired name Click […]

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Sales Cycle Settings

Posted on: 31 Dec 2020

Overview The Sales Cycle allows you to track and visualize the progress of contacts throughout your sales process. A unique sales cycle can be created for each Contact Type. To create a new step in the Sales Cycle, first, navigate to the Settings menu, click on Sales Cycle, and: Click next to “Add New” Select […]

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Opportunity Settings

Posted on: 30 Dec 2020

Overview Opportunity Settings allow you to see and create Opportunity Templates that are available for all contacts. To create a new template: 1. Click next to “Add New”. In the new window enter: The Opportunity Name The likelihood of this type of opportunity closing The Deal Size If an Appointment has generally already been set […]

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Email Signature

Posted on: 22 Dec 2020

Signatures must match the email type. Hence if you plan on sending an email generated with the Sun Editor, you need to have a signature that is created with the Sun Editor. If you plan on sending an email generated with the Block Editor, you need to have a signature that is created with the […]

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Log Codes

Posted on: 20 Nov 2020

Overview Our Log Codes function allows you to provide a systematic framework of reporting calls “Call Codes” within your organization. This directly affects what is available to your organization in the Log-a-Call feature in the Whiteboard Tab. When your team uses this tool within a client profile, they can send automatic updates to the account […]

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ActionPlans Settings

Posted on: 16 Nov 2020

Overview The purpose of the ActionPlans settings are to allow you to control communications that come in and out of ClientTether. Please make sure to click the save for each category if you make any changes in those categories. Topics Action Call Options ClientTether Phone Return System Emails to/from Users Account Text Settings Action Call […]

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Tags Settings

Posted on: 16 Nov 2020

Overview The Tags tab in Settings allows to see all of your accounts tags in one place. You can: create new tags edit existing tags see which contacts have these tags duplicate the tags to a sub account delete tags

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Posted on: 13 Nov 2020

Overview Recur360 allows you to integrate your ClientTether proposal system with QuickBooks. Recur360 simplifies your to do list by Recording payments documented in ClientTether to your Quickbooks account Updating payments received in Recur360 to your ClientTether Proposal and Quickbooks Allowing you to collect payments in Recur 360 with push of a button in your proposal […]

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