Notification Settings

December 2, 2021


The Notification Tab is in Settings.

You potentially have two internal tabs Control and Rollup. We will discuss each of those in depth later.

However, it is important to note the notification settings for this tab are saved per user and are not universal for the account.

Also please note that the Rollup tab will only appear if you turn on the Notification Roll-up Add-On.

Please note both of these settings are applied to the specific user not the account as a whole.



The control tab allows each User to decide exactly what type of Notifications they will receive.

In some cases you have three options for your notifications:

  • System
    • This controls whether the Notification is displayed in the right side panel of ClientTether. This is not specified by AU.
    • This option is available for every Notification type.
  • AU
    • System Notifications will only show to you for that notification if they are generated in relation to a contact where you are the Assigned User.
  • Text AU
    • If the user is the Assigned User for the contact then they receive a text Notification.
  • Email AU
    • If the user is the Assigned user for the contact then they receive an email otification.

Please also note that if the User is rolling up Notifications they will only see the roll up of the notification types they have selected in Control.

Also if you use the gold login button for an account or the green login as button for a user the notifications you see will be the same as the user you just ‘Logged in as’. Your credentialed settings do not go with you.

Control tab is always available in the Notification tab regardless of what Add-ons are turned on or off for the account.

TermDescription of Notification
SystemNotifications Generated on the Right Side Panel in ClientTether. This is not dependent the user being the Assigned User for the contact.
AUSystem Notifications, Notifications Generated on the Right Side Panel in ClientTether, for Contacts ONLY if you are their Assigned User.
Text AUIf the user is the Assigned User for the contact they will receive a text notification
Email AUIf the user is the Assigned User for the contact they will receive a email notification
Account Paused*The toggle in Settings->Account Info has been changed from Active to Paused
Action Plan StepsSteps of an Action Plan have been completed and the step had the notification option selected.
Assigned UserIf a contact has been assigned an Assigned User via a Sales Cycle or through an Action Plan. You will not receive a notification for a manually Assigned User.
Client ExportCompletion of a contact export.
Client ImportCompletion of a contact import.
Client UpdateCompletion of a mass Contact Update done via update option on the contact list. This requires uploading an excel sheet.
Contact MovedContacts moved between accounts for example if a contact is lead routed, released, reassigned, etc.
Download ReportA report from the Dashboard is available for downloading.
Email Failed Error*An email send failed. This notification only happens if you are NOT SMTPed into an outside email system.
Duplicate Client* A notification that a duplicate contact has been submitted to the system. Please be aware the AU email and text options will send an email and/or text to the Assigned User of the original contact.
Franchisee Statistics ReportThis specific report from the dashboard is available for downloading.
Test Inbox ReadIf user has set up SMTP and clicked button to test reading the inbox.
Email ReceivedIf user receives email. Please note this is only available for those SMTPed into Outlook via the Oauth2 Process.
New LeadA new contact has been created for your account. Does not populate for manually created contacts.
Manual AppointmentIf check box for notification checked when creating Appointment a notification will be generated at the time of the appointment.
Manual Call Schedule If check box for notification checked when creating Call a notification will be generated at the time of the call.
Manual Contact Reminder If check box for notification checked when creating Reminder a notification will be generated at the time of the Contact Reminder.
Manual Email SentManual email sent to contact
Manual Text SentManual text sent to contact
Bulk ReassignedMore than 5 contacts moved to account via Bulk Reassign
Bulk Released More than 5 contacts moved to account via Bulk Release
Parser CreatedNew contact created by Parser
Parser UpdatedExisting contact updated by Parser
Pass Through
Proposal OpenContact opens proposal via long or short quote link
Proposal Sign* Contact signs proposal
Proposal Sent to DispatchProposal has been sent to Dispatch. This is a specialty only available to select clients.
Single ReassignedContact moved to the account via reassign
Single Released Contact moved to the account via release
System Information*
System Error Information*
Text Received* New text message received. Please note the AU email and text messages only send if you are the Assigned user for the contact.
Text Stopped* Contact has unsubscribed from text messages from your number. Please note the AU email and text messages only send if you are the Assigned User for the contact.
Texting can only resume for these contacts if the contact sends a text saying to your ClientTether number saying “Start”.
ThumbTackNew ThumbTack message received. Must have ThumbTack integration turned on.
Voicemails* New voicemail received. Please note the AU email and text messages only send if you are the Assigned User for the contact.
* Strongly encouraged to be selected on


The roll up tab allows you to select sub accounts you wish to see notifications for in your right side panel while being in the parent account.

Please note if you have selected to see only specific notification types in the control tab that those types are the only notifications that will roll up to you from the subaccounts.

Remember this setting saves per user and is NOT a universal account setting.